CS 2100

The CS2100 unit, is a budget solution for obtaining the technology of high-frequency X-Ray in your practise. Capable of achieving frequencies of up to 300kHz, this unit generates high quality images, with perfect resolution and contrast. Exposure times can be set manually and its suitable for both digital and analog X-ray images.

CS2100 Ακτινογραφικά οδοντιατρικά carestream dental
Οδοντιατρικά ακτινολογικά carestream dental CS2200 X-rays

CS 2200

The CS2200 unit, has an ergonomic design and its powered by a high-frequency generator with automatic selection of exposure times. It is suitable for obtaining high quality digital and analog X-Ray Images, while keeping the dose from radiation exposure at a minimum.

More on Periapical X-Ray Systems

More information

Our technicians, who are authorized by Carestream Dental, are always at your disposal to present you the capabilities of all the available Medical Imaging Equipment that we can provide, in order to find which perfectly fits your needs.

Don’t forget to visit our Showroom, located at the central offices of Medical Systems PC, for a closer look at most of the Products available from Carestream Dental.