Digitalization system CS7200 of phosphorous plates

The Carestream Dental CS 7200 digitalization system maximizes the digital radiography process and simplifies the daily routine of the professional scientist. Through the phosphorous plate the CS 7200 combines the best of digital imaging and analog film usability features.

Σύστημα ψηφιοποίησης CS7200 Carestream Dental
CS7600 σύστημα ψηφιοποίησης με πλάκες φωσφόρου carestream dental

Digitalization system CS7600 of phosphorous plates

The Carestream Dental CS 7600 digitalization system uniquely combines speed and quality. The CS 7600 is designed for use in multiple patients and users at the same time, so it is always available without having to wait for the completion and sending of each image to the terminal. Taking into account how it works with easy to use phosphorous plates, as well as the film, it easily finds its place in a dental clinic or in a dental center.

Brochure CS7200     

Brochure CS7600 

Additinal informations

Our specialists are at your disposal to present the capabilities of imaging equipment that fit your specialty and professional working space.

Our company has a Showroom with Carestream Dental units, of which we are authorized dealers.